Ideas on How to Ask a Professor to Round Up Your Grade

Sometimes, you might need a grade change to improve your college results. However, understanding how to ask a professor to round up your grade determines if they will do it or decline. So, how do you approach your professor to request them for a grade change?

We understand that this process can be tricky for some students. Thus, we created this post to share practical insights on how to ask a teacher to round up your grade. Keep reading to learn how to get the best grades you deserve. 

Your Request Must Be Feasible

The first step in mastering how to ask a professor to round up your grade is having a feasible case to present to your instructor. Your request must have reasonable and objective issues, such as:

  • The tutor didn’t count some of the points you earned.
  • The professor miscalculated a given exam.
  • A challenge with the online course’s learning management system caused a point deduction.
  • You feel you should have received more participation points.
  • You believe your participation in a group project wasn’t fully understood or appreciated.

Ask the Professor to Let You Redo Your Assignment

Asking your professor to let you repeat an exam is one way of mastering how to ask a professor to round up your grade. This request helps you demonstrate your interest in a given subject and your desire to improve future performance. However, ensure the lecturer is open to such requests because some instructors don’t grant them.

Assemble the Necessary Evidence

Do you still want to master how to ask a professor for a grade bump? Then, gather all the necessary evidence to prove that your professor denied you deserved marks. 

While gathering this evidence, mind how you present it so that it doesn’t appear like the instructor is a suspect on trial. Therefore, present this evidence to your tutor calmly and reasonably as a partner to help you recover lost grades and not a suspect or an opponent. This way, you will master how to politely ask a teacher to update your grade without causing unnecessary friction.

Contact the Professor

Emailing your professor is critical if you still want to master how to ask a professor for a grade bump. Your email can take various forms about the following: 

  • The final grade.
  • A wrong grade.
  • A bad test.
  • A missing grade.

Understanding the purpose of the above types of email is critical when you want to perfect your knowledge of how to email professor about grade. Politely state your goal, justify the need for better marks, and explain how this request affects your GPA. Inform your professor that your request isn’t a tradition and you’ll do your best to get better grades in future assignments. 

A Practical Example

Now, what does an email asking professor to round up grade look like? Below is an example to help you master how to ask for a grade bump.

Dear Professor David,

I am emailing you regarding my last score in ICT. I received a D, and I fear it could negatively affect my final assessment. This result shocked me because I usually receive Bs and As in my tests. I also attend classes regularly, and I am genuinely interested in my course.

Can I get a second chance to retake this test? I promise to be more attentive in future tests and meet all your expectations. Your favorable consideration is highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,


Don’t Delay

Timing is another key factor when you want to master how to ask professor to round up grade. So, raise your issue before your professor sends the scores to the necessary department for registration with your school schedule. Otherwise, late requests would be futile.

Don’t Rush 

Moreover, asking professor to round up grade also requires patience. Once you know how to ask for a grade bump and present your case, be patient and allow the professor time to do the necessary review and respond to you.

Follow Up Your Request

If there’s a delay, follow up with the professor to find out why. A polite reminder can save the day. Also, prepare to receive a negative reply to your grade change request and take it honorably.

Understand Your University’s Policies

Are you still seeking to master how to ask professor to round up grade? Then, familiarize yourself with your university’s policies regarding a grade change before presenting your case. For instance, some schools only amend grades if professors write to them admitting they erred, while others don’t allow retests.

Final Thoughts 

Requesting a grade change can help you improve your overall GPA. However, how you do it determines whether you’ll receive it or not. This post shared practical insights on how to ask a professor to round up your grade. Use these tips to improve your grades. If you need more assistance with your class assignments, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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