It is most said that the amount of education attained by a mother predicts her children success in a number of ways and areas. Research has found that kids of mothers nineteen and older usually present high levels of achievement during kindergarten years. The kids continue to show excellence in subjects such as math and reading even at higher levels approaching grade eight compared to those children of mothers 18 years and younger. These results provides an evidence that mothers that have kids in their adolescent period have enduring negative impacts for achievements of their next generation. The children of mothers that had birth in their teen ages and later continued with education after having the children perform better academically than children of teen mothers who did not opt to continue with education after delivery (Attewell & Lavin, 2009).
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Parenting especially for the mothers goes beyond the requirement of ensuring the basic survival needs of the children are meet. A mother has a significant role of influencing the turn out of the children especially the development of their personality, emotional growth and behavioral habits. It is vital that a parent is present in this overall development process of the kid to offer the support that will foster confidence and growth in all the essential areas. When a mother decides to continue pursuing educational goals, she has to create time for the kids and for school, which is most cases result to dedicating more time for books than parenting time. When such a case occurs the children will have less time with their mother, resulting to poor emotional development of the kids (Williams, 2010).
In some children, physical presence alone is not enough. These are situations where a parent is near or present but not emotionally invested or responding to the needs in raising his children. Such mothers might be occupied in mind by issues such as educational programs which require her to be in class or maybe preparing for a presentation that should be delivered the next day. When a mind of a mother is occupied with such things, she will have less concentration on the children that need his attention. In the long run the children will grow to be more distressed and less engaged with their activities because no one was there to influence the whole participation process. A good example are kids who go to the play field only to watch others playing simple because they are were not engage in activities at home that could build their skills in playing with others and even with objects (Cefai & Cooper, 2009) .
When a mother decides to attain more education while rearing young ones, she should be aware that her investment as a parent on the kids and the children’s competence really matters because emotional involvement of a parent affects the outcome of their kid’s emotional competence and regulation. This should be well understood by mothers when considering the amount of time to set aside for studies and parenting. Mothers who do not invest enough time and commitment into emotionally connecting with the children because of busy educational schedules and procedures, their children will have struggles in learning ways to regulate their emotions and to interact with other kids appropriately.
The process of pursuing more studies is sometimes associated with stress and a feeling of tiredness especially for higher educational advancements. This can make mother to be depressed causing development of maladaptive thoughts, behaviors and attitudes that can put the children at a risk of developing early age emotional problems.
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