There are a number of ways through which the pretend group for Family Violence support group for CALD community women will be monitored and evaluated. The proposed monitoring and evaluation plan will address a number of components of the program in order to determine to ensure that functioning effectively and is able to achieve the desired results. This is critically important in helping the program staff to determine the potential indicators which will then be analyzed used for evaluate the success of the project and develop potential interventions the improvement of the project (Kusek and Rist, 2014).
The key indicators which will be used to evaluate the project include how the program has been able to meet the socio emotional needs of the members, the level of educational support provided by the program, extent of growth and socialization provided by the group as well as how the group is able to create a safe, supportive avenue for women to access in family violence situations. This paper presents a detailed plan for monitoring, justification and evaluation of family violence support group for culturally and linguistically diverse background community women in Latrobe Valley.
Project Goals and Objectives
The program intends to support in Latrobe Valley women who have suffered from family violence in the past or present encounters in their lives and create a safe, supportive avenue for women to access in family violence situations. Consequently, the basic plan of the program is to form small groups where women can share personal experiences about family violence. The small groups will comprise of ten women from various cultural or geographical origins. The selection of group members will be in accordance with the members’ application and community referrals. The groups intend to have a closed membership for the purpose of confidentiality. The program considers the application of professional ethics that perceives a sense of patient confidentiality. The closed membership will help in enhancing confidentiality within the group. The practice of group confidentiality helps the group member to gain trust within them thus making them free to share deep and personal experiences (O’Donnell and Craney, 2012).
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By sharing these experiences, family violence victims can be helped as they tend to free their emotions after presenting their experiences to the group. The program intends to invite members from various regions around the world as Latrobe Valley is comprises of a diverse community. The program intends to unite members from various societies in the world to form the 6 member groups. The members are required to have come from a culturally and linguistically diverse community. In this case, all women in the area qualify to be members of a group in the program. The program is flexible as members of a group can schedule their meeting time. However, the program perceives member groups to meet once a week for a 2 hour session. The program also perceives for members to meet between 10am and 12pm as many people living in Latrobe Valley tend to be available during this time.
The meetings are scheduled to occur in the community center buildings and social hall. This notion ensures easy access by group members (Taylor and Putt, Makkai, 2017). The idea also considers the size of the meeting venue as well as the atmosphere of the place. For instance, the community center buildings contain numerous social conference rooms which are secure and private thus convenient to hold group meetings. The rooms have good furniture and are equipped with advanced technology that includes language translator gadgets which can help the group members to communicate efficiently. The program ensures that members fit in their groups by conducting progress checks through a series of questionnaires. The questionnaires are aimed at collecting data on the progress of the group thus ensuring that the members are well acquitted and can benefit from their respective groups. The program also conducts sessions in which the members are initiated into their groups. During these sessions the program facilitators tell the group members what is expected of them during and ways in which they can design their sessions to achieve the ultimate goal in the program (Holder, 2011).
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There are a number of potential indicators which will be used to evaluate the potential success or failure of the group. Generally, the key indicators are categorized into process indicators and outcome indicators. The process indicators will be used to track the progress of various processes in the program in order to determine whether the program is being implemented as scheduled or planed. On the other hand, a number of outcome indicators will also be used to track the success of the activities of the group in achieving the objectives of the program.
Process Indicators
Some of the process indicators include:
The level of attendants within the group’s six program
Number of women supported by the group
The number of new and returned attendees of the program
Outcome Indicators
The key outcome indicators which will be used to evaluate the pretend group for Family Violence support group for CALD community women will include the following:
Percentage of the attendees who have successfully attended all the program sessions
The number of women and children who have been helped by the group
The number of individuals who are satisfied by the activities of the group
how the program has been able to meet the socio emotional needs of the members
the level of educational support provided by the program
Extent of growth and socialization provided by the group as well as how the group is able to create a safe, supportive avenue for women to access in family violence situations
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In conclusion, a number of process and outcome indicators which will be used to evaluate the potential success or failure of the group. The findings will help the program staff to determine the potential indicators which will then be analyzed used for evaluate the success of the project and develop potential interventions the improvement of the project. Generally, the program makes use of community resources as group members can interact in community facilities such as community center buildings. The program unites families in the area as it provides an end to domestic violence in many affected homes in Latrobe Valley.
Did you like this sample?
Holder, R. (2011). Domestic and family violence: Criminal justice interventions. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse, University of New South Wales.
Kusek, J. Z., & Rist, R. C. (2014). Ten steps to a results-based monitoring and evaluation system: a handbook for development practitioners. Melbourne: World Bank Publications.
O’Donnell, C., & Craney, J. (2012). Family violence in Australia. Brisbane: Longman Cheshire publishers.
Taylor, N., Putt, J., & Makkai, T. (2017). Adult sexual violence in Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia. Trends & Issues in Crime & Criminal Justice, (345).