How to Write an Essay: A Complete Guide

When it comes to writing essay, most people have a really hard time getting started and feel overwhelmed by the task. Even the best writers know how difficult it is to compose a thoughtful piece: Hemingway, for instance, once said, “There is nothing to create. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Of course, creating an academic paper won’t make people bloodshed, but it surely can make them sweat and agonize over each single word choice.

In fact, there are plenty of reasons that turn even the simplest topic for essay writing into the mission impossible. That can be a lack of practice and fear of failure, inconsistent writing schedule, and even crippling perfectionism. And, no matter which one is your major trigger, you’ll surely want to learn how to easily create any work yet make the writing process simple and effective, regardless of the scope of your topic.

In this article, we’ll uncover a bunch of simple yet universal tips on how to compose a perfect article on any topic. As a part of our discussion, you’ll find out how to get started in academic paper writing, the basics of composing the introductory part and paper’s main body, as well as some useful tips that will help you to make up the best article.

how to write easy

How to Start an Essay

When it comes to academic paper writing, most people think it’s too challenging to do on your own. That is why you can find thousands of users with a “have someone write my essay” intention. Nevertheless, it’s pretty easy to set up your mind on academic writing if you have a clear understanding of the entire process in general.

Here are a few essential things you’ll surely need to get started:

  • Choose the relevant topic you’d like to uncover in the essay.
  • Consider the type of writing and the tone you’d want to use for your essay.
  • Research the introduction types and define the one that can perfectly fit your subject and industry.
  • Write down the content outline and key points to mention and analyze in your paper.
  • Start writing, keeping in mind the three sections of an essay: introduction, main body, and conclusion. Also, don’t forget about its main components – content, structure, and sentence construction.
  • Edit your paper and polish it until it shines!

As you can see, the process of academic writing is pretty straightforward and is not as challenging as expected. By following these steps, it becomes more than clear how to get started in writing any paper.

How to Write an Essay Introduction

Whether you create academic papers, specific research materials, articles, letters, or simple notes in a journal, you should always stay focused on your purpose. While there might be tons of different topics to choose from, all those will be written using one of 4 major types of writing: expository, descriptive, persuasive, or narrative. Any of these features its unique characteristics and, if selected properly, can immediately drive the readers’ attention and entice them to keep reading.

Once you’ve selected the topic within your specific industry and are finally ready to type or compose your first sentence, you might feel confused: how do you start an essay to raise the topic accurately and properly develop its idea? In fact, there are many great ideas to consider for a paper, regardless of the scope it refers to.

#1 Share an Interesting or Shocking Fact

According to marketing studies, creators have up to 7 seconds to catch audiences’ attention and draw more interest toward the specific topic they introduce in their article. So, starting your paper with some exciting facts about the industry can greatly encourage people to keep on reading further, except the explanation context or developing the idea presented through them.

However, do make sure that the facts are relevant to the paper’s subject. Otherwise, it will make no sense in its use.

#2 Start Your Paper from a Question

Another good idea to invite your audience for interaction is through a certain question related to your paper’s main topic. A simple yet engaging question can easily turn even the most passive consumers into direct conversationalists. In practice, this can turn out into an effective method that immediately makes any article noticed among hundreds of other pieces.

#3 Dramatize a Catching Scene

The most creative hack that can turn your academic paper into a fascinating story is a scene description. If you have almost given up on the ideas and want to look for help writing my essay, a good story shared can really save the situation.

No matter whether it happened to you, your closest friends or family, or is just a made-up story. You can still make use of it in your paper.

This hack is being used by many professional composers, even if they have no idea at the very start of their academic writing, and have so far helped thousands of authors with sudden writer’s block.

#4 State With the Thesis Directly

Along with the creative methods, you can also use the most straightforward approach and start from the specific thesis directly. After that, dive deeper into the topic you’ve selected for the paper. This method can be really helpful for more formal language, which is a perfect match for analytical essays.

#5 Share a Quotation

Finally, the last but not least popular approach is to start with the quotation of a famous person, a popular proverb, or even recall the words of a person you really want to mention in your essay. This is probably one of the easiest ways to kick off any sort of essay, but make sure it’s really relevant to the rest of the essay’s content.

Once it’s introduced, provide a short explanation of why these words are important and how they are tied to your main topic. The simplicity of this approach has made it popular among many writers, which is no surprise.


How Do You Start an Essay: Major Do’s and Don’ts

In the first two paragraphs, you’ve learned how to properly plan your writing process and uncovered the most popular methods for writing an intro section. Here, we are going to discuss the effective hacks that will enhance this process and the common mistakes writers do once they get started.

The basic “do’s” of essay writing include:

  • Make it easy to read: use simple sentences, and avoid extra words and confusing constructions.
  • Create the intro section with the selected topic in mind: it will help you to make a natural transition to the main body of your essay.
  • Use transitions throughout the essay: this will help you better connect the idea of each sentence, as well as the paragraphs, similar to the so-called “bridges.”
  • Always cite the examples unless they’re from your own experience: it’s always important to reference the source of information.
  • Use an advanced vocabulary: this will help you to show your ability to operate the appropriate vocabulary and show your language (and subject) expertise.
  • Revise your paper thoroughly: by entirely relying on the spell checkers, you still can’t be 100% sure your paper shines – there still might be some typos (in the computer-written articles) or structural issues that need rewriting.
  • Make sure you’ve selected the proper type of language, and the right tone for writing: this is considered one of the most common mistakes writers make

Some of the common “don’ts” in essay writing cover:

  • Avoid the cliche overuse
  • Don’t overwhelm your paper with information and facts
  • Always proofread the ready-to-go essay before its submission
  • Do not plagiarize
  • Avoid addressing the readers
  • Limit the use of a negative language
  • Avoid using the “in this/my essay” phrase

With these simple yet important hacks, you’ll surely compose a perfect paper on any topic!

Need Some Help? Contact Us!

Now that you have learned the basics of essay writing and know how to create a perfect paper for your assignment, regardless of its scope. However, if you are still unsure of your abilities and are looking for high-quality essay writing assistance, feel free to contact professionals!

Our write my essay service has hundreds of well-trained, creative academic writers with years of experience in science, math, literature, and many other industries. No matter what essay you need, the best candidates are always ready to provide you with original writing on time and for the most reasonable costs. Finally, we care about clients’ privacy, so the personal details, as well as the entire communication, is 100% confidential.

Get your best essay written right here!

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Benjamin Oaks
Looking for a first-rate essay writer? Then you are in the right place. Meet Benjamin Oaks, who is one of our best experts in the History and Philosophy sphere. He has more than 5 years of experience not only in academic writing but also in working with college students. We guarantee that by hiring Benjamin, you will get a perfectly written paper accompanied by friendly and easy communication
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