🛕 Religion Essays
Death penalty in the Bible
There are questions, controversies, and debates about the death penalty issue in the Bible. Some Christians claim that the death penalty is mentioned in the…
Other Ways of Knowing reflection
In “Other Ways of Knowing” John Broomfield describes in depth the extensive impact of modern or Western ways on life today and on non-Westerners. Bloomfield…
Philosophies of the Eastern world
The Eastern hemisphere of the world harboring more than half of the worlds population, is rich with its history of culture, heritage, religion and philosophies….
The Enuma Elish and genesis
The “Enuma Elish” is the Babylonian myth of creation and is one of the oldest myths that exists, found inscribed on seven tablets in Nineveh,…
Woodstock and the “Free Love” movement
Woodstock music event Woodstock refers to a popular music event that was held in the US, Max Yasgur Farm, located in Woodstock, New York City…

Caste development and religious response in Ancient India
This paper will provide a brief explanation of the development of the caste system in ancient India, and the stances and responses of Hinduism and…
Creation vs. evolution
Evolution has always been one of the world’s dilemmas. One of the questions every human being wants to find the answer to is where we…
Christian Faith and evolution instructions
The following needs to be completed. It is a chapter summary for Chapter 3 and 4 of coming to peace with Science by Darrel R…
A Soul Searcher’s Handbook: Hesse’s Siddhartha
Searching for the meaning of life and love seems to be a popular theme of philosophical novels. And, Hesse’s Siddhartha (1922) is no different from…
Jehovah Witnesses religion
I researched the Jehovah’s Witness religion. There were several misconceptions that I had about this religion before I did my research. These misconceptions always influenced…
Lao-Tzu viewpoints on ‘Taoist Philosophy’
As you have asked me about the truth of “Taoist philosophy” so I have connected some ideas about religion that lead to self-cultivation and nourishing…
Perspective of life and death
Explanatory theories have one or more hypotheses on suicide. Durkheim theory has offered sociologists a conceptual outlook that links religion and suicide. According to Durkheim,…
The banality and evil of state sanctioned genocide
Hannah Arendt brought about the phrase “banality of evil” in her eponymous text (1963) touching on the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Israel. The phrase…
Traditional Asia
Introduction A tradition exists in many forms and is dependent on the people and their ideology and beliefs. Basically, tradition is a people’s way of…
Ethnocentrism: value difference
Ethnocentrism is defined as the practice of holding of one’s judgment of another culture based on one’s standards which are based on one’s culture. In…
Judaism and Ancient religions from Greece, Egypt and Mesopotamia
Introduction A substantial number of distinct religions exist in the world today. The presence of some of these religions can be dated back to more…
Difference between science and faith
Scientists are annoyed when it is mentioned that there is no difference between science and faith. For instance, Ben Carson argued that Darwin was propelled…
Philosophical and Social Perspectives in Education
Both sociological and philosophical perspectives provide diverse standpoints from which the social world can be viewed. While a perspective merely refers to a way of…
How the distribution of U.S. religious groups has been affected…
The U.S. has a diverse culture in terms of the race and religion due to the high number of immigrants who carry their religious practices…
Young Goodman Brown
Although Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story entitled “Young Goodman Brown,” would not be a story I would read of my own volition, I do believe that…
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- ✔️ Social Commentary
- ✝️ Christianity
- Bible
- Buddhism
- Church
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Islamophobia
- Judaism
- Karma
- Reformation
- Superstition
- 🧚 Creation Myth
- 🕎 Theology

- ✔️ Social Commentary
- ✝️ Christianity
- Bible
- Buddhism
- Church
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Islamophobia
- Judaism
- Karma
- Reformation
- Superstition
- 🧚 Creation Myth
- 🕎 Theology
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